Sunday, June 2, 2013

Chateaus and some weird art!

Friday May 17th

Back to castling (my new verb which means visiting lots of castles)  after a fun filled night in Chemery! Breakfast was very yummy and included lots of bread and yogurt (which is super amazing here in France, I don't know what it is, it's just better!) After saying goodbye to our little castle and the dog (who for some reason still would only let me pet him for a second before he moved onto somebody else with better hair or something like that) :) we went to Chambord. It was freakishly huge and beautiful!!! The picture below is of my sweet friend Michaelanne in front of the chateau.

I feel like I should issue an apology here for all the exclamation points being used and for the lack of depth in commenting on the places I've visited, it is a little hard to be intelligent sounding when you are running crazy behind on blog posts but I'm trying! :) And of course last but not lease we visited Chenonceau, my favorite! This was the only chateau that we actually got to see the kitchens, and for some reason that was super cool and not to mention beautiful. The audio guide that we had was also super entertaining and had all sorts of fun tidbits about mistresses and things of the like. The forests surrounding it were very calming and enjoyable to just walk around in.

Then it was train time and back home to Paris!I still can't believe that I'm calling Paris home, it just feels so crazy! So I'm still not quite sure how it happened but we ended up going clubbing again that night. I think I might be getting a reputation for being a party animal but trust me that is anything but the case! We went to this club called Duplex and it was actually a ton of fun, its nice to just dance away your worries. :)

Saturday May 18th

On account of the whole clubbing situation the night before Saturday consisted of quite a bit of sleeping and then homework.....but then all that hard work (slash last minute rushing) lead to "Nuit des Musees". I don't know how often it happens but for one night pretty much all of the museums in Paris, and I think all over France in fact, are free for one night. We had hoped to go to the Modern Art Museum, but the line was crazy long! So we went to the Palais de Tokyo which happened to be right next door, but little did we know what we were getting ourselves into! I experienced a lot of differing emotions in this museum, anything on the spectrum from fear all the way to giddiness (well maybe not that emotion, most of the stuff was pretty bizare). Also I'm not sure why I'm not smiling in this picture (I guess I thought we were doing  serious faces, but apparently I missed the memo on smiling). :)

Afterwards a bunch of us walked along the Seine and enjoyed some beautiful view of the Eiffel Tower before heading home for the night. The area that we were walking around is coincidentally right over the street where Princess Diana was killed, there was even a statue commemorating her and pictures and such. It was super sad to see that especially after the fun night we had just had, it definitely made me pause for a second and think.


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